Hidden Car Key

Now playing : Hidden Car Key

rating : 4.32 of 8 | plays : 10762
Game description
Hidden Car Keys is a game in which you have to search through a picture, or series of pictures, to find images of keys that are hidden. There are three pictures in all, each consisting of cars, decorated in a way with a noisy background so that the keys are increasingly harder to find. Begin by finding a corner, or piece of the picture you have chosen that is clearer so you can easily decipher the shapes in the area. Check for anything that looks out of place, as a key. Once you see an outline of a car key, simply click on the shape and it will select that key in red. The numbers directly under the timer will fill in as you find each key corresponding to the number. As you continue with the game, the picture will fill in the keys you have found with red.

Use mouse to play this game.


  • - 2013-02-24 16:57:50
  • --
  • like - 2013-03-06 09:22:55
  • naprabo ne si xoumpaba
  • okitoki - 2013-03-06 09:27:26
  • izbiniabai no nesi prba as sam prbi xa xa xa xa na fsi4ko h na poker ti si gloupaba
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