Smurf Shoot with Balls

Now playing : Smurf Shoot with Balls

rating : 4.87 of 8 | plays : 11884
Game description
I think everyone knows, Smurf story. Thus, we thought, and developed a new game for kids who like to play very much. Help Smurf break all the balls and go to the next level. Use your wit and insight.

Use mouse to play this game.


  • selin - 2013-09-13 18:29:55
  • Zdravey az se kazvam selin i sam na 9 godini jiveya v selo liahovo rodena sam v grad balcik telefonniya mi nomer e 0887817822 ako iskate da sme priyateli po kompiotara obadete se na tozi nomer.Az niamam priyateli za tova iskam da imam.Koyto govori v telefona da govori deteto.
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