Barbara at the dentist

Now playing : Barbara at the dentist

rating : 4.62 of 8 | plays : 15077
Game description
Barbara knows that she should had visited the dentist more often and right now she is suffering because of her decayed teeth. She forgot about what the dentist said last time and she can't even open her mouth because the pain is to big. Play this game and figure out what dentist tools you should use to heal Barbara's teeth and she will definitely remember what you did forever. Have fun and good luck!

Use mouse to play this game.


  • ... - 2014-02-16 15:46:05
  • vesi praskivkata - 2014-03-01 14:06:12
  • qka e napravo e super ne iskam da se zvalq no barbi prilicha na men zashtoto i as sam sas sini ochi sas rusa kosa i bqla koja xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa obujavamda se xvalq
  • - 2014-08-09 20:11:59
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