Skeet Shooter Shooter

Now playing : Skeet Shooter Shooter

rating : 4.47 of 8 | plays : 11984
Game description
Be the sharpest shooter in the West in this skeet shoot-out.

Mouse = Aim & Shoot
Spacebar = Reload

Shoot as many clay pigeons as you can, reloading every 2 shots.


  • miss sixty - 2008-07-25 13:05:56
  • yees az sum purva vie ste zle ;] izqshte se ot qd...xaxaxaxa
  • tanity - 2008-07-25 13:24:50
  • ne nqma da se izqm ot qd 6tot i az sam bila p1rva qsno li ti e nikoi nqma da se izqde ot qd zaradi tebe
  • miss sixty - 2008-07-25 18:24:46
  • mne ne mi e qsno zashtoto ti veche se izqde ot qd zaradi menn... :} xaxax
  • tanity - 2008-07-25 23:07:25
  • znai6 ko hi4 ne me e qd 6toto i az sam bila p1rva i ne se radvam kato teb i nikoi nqma da se izqde ot qd 4e si bila p1rva a ao6te po malko az
  • miss sixty - 2008-07-26 16:16:06
  • oo ne ne..napravo me ubijadsh pfxaxaxa skupa teb te e qd tolkova mnogo che i bez da pishesh ti lichi..spx az vinagi shte sum purva a ti sled men ;]
  • tanity - 2008-07-31 18:31:30
  • am ei 100 p1ti li da ti kazvam 4e ne me e qd 6toto i az sma bila p1rva ti t1pa li si kva si 4e nemoja da razbere6
  • lidia mileva - 2008-09-20 09:53:53
  • pss - 2009-04-19 11:13:11
  • da
  • dani - 2011-02-07 17:58:02
  • mnooo e typoooo ne igraite tazi igra moje da ymrete ot tapota kogato q igraete :d:d
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