Monkey King

Now playing : Monkey King

rating : 4.4 of 8 | plays : 11696
Game description
Stop that lazy monkey from sitting on his tail and get him KICKING some tail!

P = Pause

Draw lines with the mouse to attack with the stick. The aura around the Monk will only protect you for 3 attacks. When the bottle is full enough, press Spacebar for a Boom Kill, but this uses 1/3 of the bottle and you need to fill up the bottle to draw out the boss!


  • keiti - 2009-03-15 13:08:28
  • ura az s1m p1rva no da ne prikazvam mnogo taq igra si q bivaaa ne mi xaresva mnogo no si q biva esssssssss az s1m p1rva tova ozna4ava 4e az igraq p1rva na tazi igra ura...
  • kleo - 2009-03-16 18:02:31
  • ZA6O MA U
  • nunu - 2009-07-08 20:14:34
  • kakse igrae tazi igra
  • - 2011-05-19 11:47:53
  • Levitra - 2011-09-07 23:52:55
  • The author deserves for the monument:)))
  • Kamagra sans ordonnance - 2011-09-27 10:51:30
  • Good! Wish everybody wrote so:D
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