Barbie Model

Now playing : Barbie Model

rating : 4.62 of 8 | plays : 76551
Game description
Create Fab fashions for Barbie doll! To play, enter your first name and pres go to be a star designer!

Use mouse to play this game.


  • nia99 - 2009-11-07 08:20:59
  • aammmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiii neznam mislq 4e e dobra
  • krisi i ani - 2009-11-07 09:43:23
  • na nas mnogo ni haresva tazi igra
  • neli - 2009-11-07 11:07:09
  • mnogo smotana
  • tazmanianskata devil - 2009-11-07 13:30:53
  • da biva no gore-dolu ili dolu-gore
  • tedito - 2009-11-07 16:29:10
  • ami ne mnogo no stava
  • selena - 2009-11-07 17:17:29
  • yao
  • ~@MeRyY@~ - 2009-11-09 13:20:44
  • igraite na , `
  • jiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - 2009-11-13 15:26:49
  • love barbies
  • ne vi interesuva - 2009-12-21 14:43:52
  • igrata e mnogo qka a ~@MeRyY@~ sega stava duma za stazi igra qsno nmz i nati mnogo blagodarq za silite no neiska
  • - 2009-12-29 09:00:02
  • luzer - 2010-01-03 02:04:43
  • **** barbie
  • sweet - 2010-01-18 16:51:35
  • sweet barbie
  • GOTINATA - 2010-01-21 19:55:58
  • cool girl - 2010-01-22 13:27:34
  • mnoY tupa igraaaaaaaa ujas
  • stiliqna - 2010-01-23 23:47:04
  • stava
  • Sladkoto_me4ence - 2010-04-01 03:35:20
  • Sigurno e qka oba4e ne tragva
  • analia - 2010-04-05 12:01:51
  • SUPER igra
  • iv - 2010-04-27 22:07:25
  • abe ora ne6to tova ne mi aresa a na vas
  • SARAH - 2010-05-27 13:05:30
  • vali - 2010-07-02 15:35:55
  • mnogo gotino
  • moni - 2010-07-09 18:03:56
  • mn e t1pa vali
  • ku4ka1 - 2010-07-10 11:27:28
  • ne me interesuva igrata elate na magistralata az 6 sam tam ;)
  • vali - 2010-07-23 10:59:57
  • monika ti da mlakvash tova e moeto mnenie razbrali me tapanarke
  • g - 2010-08-11 20:26:48
  • xaxa
  • summer storm - 2010-08-19 14:04:46
  • tova e super typo koito misli 4e e qko e mn typ
  • summer storm - 2010-08-19 14:04:48
  • tova e super typo koito misli 4e e qko e mn typ
  • valneniq po valnite - 2010-08-24 16:40:30
  • tazi igra e strahotna
  • gkuyth - 2010-12-30 14:15:40
  • tozi koito ne haresva taq igra zna4i ne q shvashta i ne znae kak se igrae.Pone az taka si mislq no sigurno ne sym prava
  • selena_gomez - 2011-01-01 16:12:59
  • hubavi modeli!!!
  • - 2011-01-10 20:48:35
  • - 2011-01-20 20:47:36
  • rebeka ognianova - 2011-02-01 14:44:43
  • mnogo e t1pa
  • Selena-Gomez - 2011-02-03 17:37:34
  • mnogo e hubava
  • Ashli - Tees Dale - 2011-02-03 17:43:38
  • tazi igra e mnogo interesna i mnoogo zabavna
  • Teenie Rock 2 - 2011-03-13 21:55:36
  • nomer edno!!!!
  • kameliq - 2011-04-18 10:20:27
  • eeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  • zobi - 2011-06-21 08:12:50
  • i like barbie games
  • annie - 2011-08-04 16:14:43
  • i like this game
  • Cialis Rezeptfrei - 2011-09-07 10:28:43
  • WWYEVx Somewhere in the Internet I have already read almost the same selection of information, but anyway thanks....
  • Iliya i Albena - 2011-09-08 14:50:38
  • Bravo sega...samo angli4ani pi6at tyk
  • kaufen Generika Cialis - 2011-09-23 15:52:58
  • yUYXGe Somewhere in the Internet I have already read almost the same selection of information, but anyway thanks....
  • Cialis Rezeptfrei - 2011-09-23 15:59:21
  • 8VovaQ I am getting married on the 15th of November. Congratulate me! Then will be here rarely...
  • marija djordjevic - 2011-11-18 13:37:18
  • etraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  • ^^ - 2011-11-23 18:52:42
  • 7. :)) 13 . ;))))
  • TE - 2011-12-14 16:15:31
  • !!!!!!
  • taliyah clifton 17 - 2012-01-07 06:58:40
  • 5 barnd ave napir
  • esalerugs - 2012-02-13 18:11:38
  • The Author is crazy..!!
  • Cherry Hill NJ personal trainer - 2012-02-13 19:42:21
  • Author, Shoot yourself a knee..!!
  • - 2012-04-13 22:36:46
  • .
  • ketelen - 2012-04-20 18:55:35
  • que joga vai cer um bobo
  • - 2012-07-19 22:57:00
  • juegos Amopy178 - 2012-12-24 12:40:50
  • Cuando un recreo es un regalo, siempre mirar la clasificacin ESRB, especialmente cuando usted est comprando para un impulsivo. Esta clasificacin le ayudar a entender qu permanencia nivel es el ms apropiado para el distraccin le permitir saber si el pasatiempo es violento. En ltima instancia puede ayudarle a determinar si o no desea comprar el juego.Una gran parte del xito completamente un videojuego est utilizando los cdigos de trucos. Estos son los cdigos que se introduce como estn jugando juegos de video para ayudar a darle poderes especiales o avanzar al ulterior nivel. Muchos sitios Web en Internet ofrece estas aperos herramientas, dando a pequenos y grandes trucos.
  • juegos online Amopy696 - 2012-12-24 13:03:35
  • Cuando un juego es un regalo, siempre mirar la clasificacin ESRB, especialmente cuando usted est comprando para un irreflexivo. Esta clasificacin le ayudar a entender qu edad nivel es el ms apropiado para el recreo le permitir memorizar si el recreo es violento. En ltima instancia puede ayudarle a determinar si o no desea comprar el recreo.Una gran parte del xito completamente un videojuego est utilizando los cdigos de trucos. Estos son los cdigos que se introduce como estn jugando juegos de video para ayudar a darle poderes especiales o avanzar al ulterior nivel. Muchos sitios Web en Internet ofrece estas brtulos herramientas, dando a pequenos y grandes trucos.
  • juegos Amopy844 - 2012-12-24 13:27:10
  • Cuando un recreo es un regalo, siempre mirar la clasificacin ESRB, especialmente cuando usted est comprando para un irreflexivo. Esta clasificacin le ayudar a entender qu perduracin nivel es el ms apropiado para el diversin le permitir enterarse si el solaz es violento. En ltima instancia puede ayudarle a determinar si o no desea comprar el descanso.Una gran parte del xito completamente un videojuego est utilizando los cdigos de trucos. Estos son los cdigos que se introduce como estn jugando juegos de video para ayudar a darle poderes especiales o avanzar al futuro nivel. Muchos sitios Web en Internet ofrece estas avos herramientas, dando a pequenos y grandes trucos.
  • juegos online Amopy381 - 2012-12-24 17:06:11
  • Cuando un distraccin es un regalo, siempre mirar la clasificacin ESRB, especialmente cuando usted est comprando para un caprichoso. Esta clasificacin le ayudar a entender qu permanencia nivel es el ms apropiado para el diversin le permitir aprender si el deporte es violento. En ltima instancia puede ayudarle a determinar si o no desea comprar el placer.Una gran parte del xito completamente un videojuego est utilizando los cdigos de trucos. Estos son los cdigos que se introduce como estn jugando juegos de video para ayudar a darle poderes especiales o avanzar al futuro nivel. Muchos sitios Web en Internet ofrece estas enseres herramientas, dando a pequenos y grandes trucos.
  • juegos Amopy934 - 2012-12-24 17:53:00
  • Cuando un esparcimiento es un regalo, siempre mirar la clasificacin ESRB, especialmente cuando usted est comprando para un nino. Esta clasificacin le ayudar a entender qu perduracin nivel es el ms apropiado para el juego le permitir aprender si el distraccin es violento. En ltima instancia puede ayudarle a determinar si o no desea comprar el esparcimiento.Una gran parte del xito completamente un videojuego est utilizando los cdigos de trucos. Estos son los cdigos que se introduce como estn jugando juegos de video para ayudar a darle poderes especiales o avanzar al subsiguiente nivel. Muchos sitios Web en Internet ofrece estas efectos herramientas, dando a pequenos y grandes trucos.
  • moncler online Biona760 - 2013-01-20 07:57:49
  • The adjuster will reason if you were hurt badly enough to run up $500.00 in medical expenses than it’s correct to assume that your injuries must be substantial. But, if you see your chiropractor or physician only once or twice, and your final bills are in the vicinity of $100.00, that adjuster will assume you weren’t hurt too seriously. DEMAND THAT ALL YOUR MEDICAL BILLS BE PAID: The adjuster may try to disallow a substantial part of your total medical expenses which he contends doesn’t qualify as “medical" in character. He’ll often attempt to divide your medical costs into two arbitrary parts - - “Diagnostic" and “Treatment". In the “Diagnostic" category he’ll include items such as ambulance and emergency room costs, costs of X-rays, and other diagnostic procedures, plus visits to specialists. And the rest (principally costs of the hospital and regular office visits to doctors, physical therapy and medication) will be termed 'Treatment". The items that are categorized as “Diagnostic" expenses are the bills the adjuster would like to disallow as not being “Medical" types of activities. He may try to do this because with a differentiation (between what is “Diagnostic" and what is supposedly true medical “Treatment") the basic worth of your claim will have been drastically reduced, as the amount of your “Special Damages" and thus drastically reduce the true value of your claim. At that point the adjuster will argue that the “Treatment" portion of your medical bills that’s “directly related" to the severity of your injury, therefore it’s what truly reflects (and measures) your “Pain and Suffering". Don’t let him get away with that! If he should attempt to pull this on you tell him, “It’s absurd and illogical to separate medical expenses into two arbitrary categories and designate one as “Diagnostic" and the other as “Treatment". Each area works hand-in-hand with the other in medical practice. I can’t get properly treated without being diagnosed! He’ll gulp, because he knows what you say is true and that will usually be the end of such nonsense on his part. “PERMANENT" AND/OR “TEMPORARY" DISABILITY: In discussing “Disability". it’s important to develop a working knowledge of these two legitimate concepts. Commonly, personal injuries are classified as either “Permanent" or “Temporary". These two terms are used basically to describe the anticipated duration of an injury, and not its degree of severity! Thus, if an injury is conceived as one which would continue throughout the remainder of an individuals lifetime, it’s said to be “Permanent" in nature. Conversely, if it’s a reasonable probably that the claimant will attain a full or complete recovery (within some future period) the injury is classified as “Temporary' - - regardless of how severe or extensive the injury might otherwise appear. TOTAL AND/OR PARTIAL DISABILITY: Another common classification of “Disabilities" will relate to whether they are considered to be “Total" or “Partial". These terms refer to the actual extent of the claimant’s injuries, regardless of whether they’re permanent or temporary in duration. THE FOLLOWING FOUR SPECIAL CATEGORIES ARE REFERRED TO AND UTILIZED IN PERSONAL INJURY LITIGATION TEMPORARY TOTAL DISABILITY: This is symbolized by a seriously injured person who is temporarily hospitalized or otherwise completely impaired, although expected to eventually regain full function. TEMPORARY PARTIAL DISABILITY: This is that ...
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  • Amecgujp - 2013-08-05 20:41:00
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