Steppenwolf 6

Now playing : Steppenwolf 6

rating : 4.59 of 8 | plays : 19413
Game description
You got to the temple of Buddhist monks and they don't seem to be glad...

- Watch the scene for valuable clues.
- Collect inventory items to help you overcome obstacles.
- Survive to the end of the episode.
Arrow keys = walk.
Shift+arrow keys = run.
Ctrl = short jump.
Ctrl+Shift = long jump.
Spacebar = action key.
T = toggle the current selected item.
I = open Inventory screen.


  • - 2008-07-19 23:06:06
  • .
  • svfdhb hk,. - 2009-01-28 19:43:00
  • fdsg fgh
  • alex peev - 2009-11-09 17:14:40
  • Cialis Rezeptfrei - 2011-09-07 10:35:16
  • 6nmhrm Thank you very much! I took it for myself too. Will be useful...
  • Eden Hazard - 2012-08-10 16:03:20
  • ti si igri s kosmi
  • krisi - 2013-03-05 21:42:52
  • tozi epizod e mnogo qk
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