Sonic Boom

Now playing : Sonic Boom

Вече сте гласували! | rating : 4.45 of 8 | plays : 15954
Game description
Drive to your targets and destroy them with your in-car entertainment system!

Arrow key Up = accelerate.
Arrow key Down = brake.
Arrow key Left = turn left.
Arrow key Right = turn right.
Spacebar = handbrake.
Shift = increase the volume and destroy the building.


  • рики чадуик - 2009-01-29 19:05:29
  • хей глупаци аз съм 1 нека ви е яд
  • zandar - 2009-08-26 01:24:38
  • riki 4Aduik ti si tolkova tap 4e nemoze da bade
  • nihal_sladyra - 2011-04-18 20:38:14
  • :(
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