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Game description

Avatar - Treetop Trouble

Avatar - Treetop Trouble Sokka has escaped his captors, and now he`s in a race against time to save an entire village! He`ll have to use all his warrior skills to havugate the precarious perches high in the treetops, all the relentless pursuit of the freedom fighters` leader, Jet!

Left / Right arrow keys - move left/right . Press both rapidly to free Sokka from Jet`s grasp!
Space bar - jump
Ctrl - Throw Boomerang (hold Ctrl to throw it farther)
Up arrow key - climp up on ropes
Down arrow key - Crouch and Clim down on ropes.
P - pause the game
plays : 142465
rating : 4.65
category : Avatar
Avatar - Treetop Trouble

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